Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Beginning Innocent Life Style on Platter.....

< Now this is a post I originally wrote for my personal blog www.saurin.tk, just reusing it >

Hi Friends,

We all love animals and all creatures created by Nature, when we speak about being vegetarian, is it just limited to food or we shall also take some time and put some effort to find out whether we are actually vegetarian in all aspects of life.

Be it clothing or medicines or consumar durables, isnt it our duty to never use any product made from animal body as long as possible and also disseminate the informaiton about such daily use items to others and also their alternatives that might help to stop killing of many animals.

Here is a list of common use items that contain some animal part and also their alternatives...


Belts, Shoes, Bag, Wallet... you have lots of synthetic alternatives these days, try not to use leather at all

Yes silk too is obtained from silk worm and greater demand resulting from ladies' love of pure silk sarees results in poultry farming of silk worm too

Toothbrush bristles are generally made from plastic, on the other hand, brushes for painting be it canvas painting or distempar painting are made from hair or mongoose and other animals, dont know what to do about this as we are not direct consumers of these, but while we get new paint for our houses every Diwali and that means killing of lots of innocent mongoose especially found in jungles of Orissa.

Yes, your favorite woolens are made by brutally scratching off sheep skin and
thus leaving them without the natural cover provided by nature againts weather and harmful insects, they die miserably in the end, use wind cheaters made from Nylon and Cottonwool, also you can try trendy Canvas jackets.

I feel no hesitation in putting this as a separate point because lots of ignorant Pure Vegetarians fall down to Ovo Vegetarians by eating delicious burgars of McDonalds and othe such bakerys and food chains which contain mayonnaise which is made from Eggs and few know about it, just like the french fries made from Mutton Tellos, this is something unfair too on the part of food giants like Mcdonalds and Subway.

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